School Improvement Council (SIC)
SIC is a broad-based community advisory group comprised of parents, teachers, and community members established in every school. This advisory group works with the principal to cultivate a positive school environment supporting student success.
- SIC Chairperson- Benjamin Pressley
- SIC Secretary- Jennifer Elkins
- Teacher Elect- Nikki Atwell
SIC Meeting Agendas & Minutes
- September 24, 2024
- October 22, 2024
- November 19, 2024
- December 10, 2024
- January 21, 2024
- February 11, 2024
- March 11, 2024
- April 15, 2024
- May 6, 2024
September 24, 2024
SIC Meeting Agenda
Tuesday, September 24, 2024
2024 Report to Parents
Breakdown of Goals for 2024-2025
2024-2025 Overarching Vision for SIC: Rock the House… with Community Connections
Research shows that high family engagement leads to stronger school success (NAESP)
Student learning and Well-being
Infrastructure and resource allocations
Actionable Goals for the Year:
Community Fairs
Quarterly Lighthouse Nights
Produce Giveaways
GreenHOUSE Gathering on September 28th
Final Comments and Questions
The PTA meeting follows this meeting. Please feel free to join.
SIC Meeting
Tuesday, September 24, 2024
Present: Mrs. Harris, Ms. Golden, Ms. Smith, Mr. Presley, Ms. Roland, Mr. Farmer, Ms. Parks, Ms. Leone, Ms. Jarmy, Ms. Elkins, and Mr. Lumsden
I. Report to Parents: We are using last year’s report to parents as a springboard for this school year.
a. Looking for connections for the lighthouse values (nurture, connect, create, dream, live, and think), particularly “dream” which is STEM related.
II. Overarching vision for 24-25 school year is to promote family engagement.
a. Current issue is early dismissals and late arrivals as it affects the integrity of the systems that are in place and may become a safety issue. Late arrivals miss instructional time. Early dismissals may require a great deal of work to locate the student throughout the school.
b. Three pillars for family engagement are trust (bidirectional trust and understanding), student learning and well-being (making sure parents understand what is happening in the school and making sure students have good physical and emotional health), and infrastructure and resource allocations.
III. First community fair is on Saturday, September 28th with a produce giveaway.
IV. First Quarterly Lighthouse Night – October 22, 2024
V. Questions
a. A parent presented a question regarding shade along the Loop 2 car rider line. There is an existing shade structure that can be used, but adding an overhang for additional shade has been approved by the school board.
i. Mrs. Harris recommended that Mr. Presley set up a meeting to discuss the logistics of the shade coverage in Loop 2.
b. Mr. Presley recommended sending the car loop videos again through Parent Square to remind parents.
c. Mr. Presley recommended sharing information about the community fairs through other channels, like neighborhood HOAs, other nearby schools, churches, daycares, karate centers, etc. Mrs. Harris also emphasized that it is not needs based, so anyone can attend and get produce.
October 22, 2024
SIC Meeting Agenda
Tuesday, October 22, 2024
5:00-6:00 pm
- Introductions and New Leaders
- Last Month's Highlights
- Pastries with the Principals
- Produce Giveaway and Green House Gathering
- School Report Card
- Follow up on September Agenda Items
- Loop 2
- SIC Shirts
- Announcements and Upcoming Events
- Tonight’s Lighthouse Night
- Trunk or Treat and Storybook Character Parade- Oct 30
- Art for the Sky- Oct 30-Nov 4
- Veteran’s Day- Nov 11
- Actionable Goals for the Year:
- Community Fairs
- Identified individuals to share Produce Giveaway and specific events for the community
- Final Comments and Questions
The PTA meeting follows this meeting. Please feel free to join.
Next SIC Meeting: Tuesday, November 29 at 7:30 am
SIC Meeting Agenda Tuesday, October 22, 2024 5:00-6:00 pm
1. Introductions and New Leaders
2. Last Month's Highlights
o Pastries with the Principals
High and warm turnout. Discussed the book The Anxious Generation; which is about why children need distance from their cell phones. The district principals meeting today discussed disciplinary referrals and there were 7000 disciplinary referrals across the district; 1500 were elementary. Many of them were due to behavior on buses. Children are using devices as a coping strategy. There are copies available to share with parents.
o Produce Giveaway and Green House Gathering
The produce giveaway went very well. There was a large number of families. There was a lot of produce and families were able to get a large amount of sweet potatoes, cabbage, etc. and there was more leftover at the end. There will be another giveaway in November. Sometimes these giveaways have meat or milk, but we do not know what they will have until they come.
The garden tours well. There are collards, kale, radishes, pumpkins, etc. The families liked seeing what was being grown. The kids take great pride and ownership of these gardens.
We need families to attend these events regardless of their need because good representation means these giveaways will continue happening, and they will bring more variety.
o School Report Card
Beech Hill is rated excellent on the school report card. This year there is a new growth piece that has changed the way schools are graded so there was some movement in where schools were graded. There are four score ranges: excellent (exceeding expectations), meets (just where expected), approaching (heading in the right direction), and does not meet (not yet meeting expectations). There is now a number line type measurement, where every number counts.
There was a question on whether there is room to grow for those in the excellent category. Mrs. Harris said there is room to grow as there are different measurements for each grade level; primarily between the fourth and fifth grade levels.
Ms. Ward said they are discussing these changes with the teachers. There was a question about how this scoring change looks in the classroom; Ms. Ward answered that they will use differentiated teaching and goal setting. The hope is to start with the kids to see which areas need to be strengthened. Mr. Bedford added that they will make data-based decisions.
3. Follow up on September Agenda Items
o Loop 2
Loop 2 will be getting a shade structure per Dr. Robbins.
o SIC Shirts
A list will be made of all the council members shirt sizes so shirts can be ordered which should be worn during school events to identify members as additional support for questions.
4. Announcements and Upcoming Events
o Tonight’s Lighthouse Night
These events will be paired with evening SIC/PTA meetings.
o Trunk or Treat and Storybook Character Parade- Oct 30
This event is taking place next week. The students are excited to share what they are dressing up as for the parade.
o Art for the Sky- Oct 30-Nov 4
Different groups will wear different colors for the picture, and they will be positioned to form a picture. The artist will capture the image from up above.
o Veteran’s Day- Nov 11
For Veteran’s Day, kids can enter an essay contest; information is included in the Peek of the Week. Mrs. Harris added that children may need help identifying who true heroes are (not Spider-Man, etc.). For the Veteran’s Day celebration (parade, songs, picnic, picture slideshow, etc.), the school can use help sharing the information about the event and the deadline, so everyone is aware.
5. PTA
6. Actionable Goals for the Year:
o Community Fairs
• Identified individuals to share Produce Giveaway and specific events for the community
People are encouraged to share information about the produce giveaway to their neighborhood and other social media pages representing community groups.
7. Final Comments and Questions
Next SIC Meeting: Tuesday, November 29 at 7:30 am
November 19, 2024
1. Introductions
2. Last Month's Highlights
o Trunk or Treat, Character Pumpkin Patch, and Character Day Parade
o Think and Create Lighthouse Night for Families
o Data Dives with teachers
o Art for the Sky
o Student Lighthouse Gatherings
3. Follow up on September Agenda Items
o SIC Shirts-sizes
4. Announcements and Upcoming Events
o Spelling Bee
o Balloons Over Broadway Parade
o Holiday Shop
o 5th Grade Ellis Island Simulation
o School Counselor Goals
5. PTA
· Gaga Pit
6. Actionable Goals for the Year:
o Community Fairs
· Identified individuals to share Produce Giveaway and specific events for the community
7. Final Comments and Questions
1. Introductions
2. Last Month's Highlights
o Trunk or Treat, Character Pumpkin Patch, and Character Day Parade
Character pumpkin patch was a great success. Students requested gingerbread night, but for now it will remain the pumpkin patch. Trunk or treat and character day parade were successes.
o Think and Create Lighthouse Night for Families
Event was successful; much larger turnout than previous events.
o Data Dives with teachers
Data dives with teachers helps determine needs around the school.
o Art for the Sky
Event went well, the video is beautiful. The school is currently going through the video to be sure none of the students who do not have media releases are shown in the video before sharing on Parent Square.
o Student Lighthouse Gatherings
Students are divided into “lighthouses” and work on different activities, have guest speakers, etc. according to their lighthouse themes. The students really enjoy these.
o Veterans Day
The event was a success with around 300 participants. An ongoing issue with this event (and some others) is that people do not RSVP by the deadline.
3. Follow up on September Agenda Items
o SIC Shirts-sizes
A few more sizes are needed to order the shirts. The group reviewed logo designs.
4. Announcements and Upcoming Events
o Spelling Bee
This is on Friday for 5th grade.
o Balloons Over Broadway Parade
First grade students are doing this and parents were invited.
o Holiday Shop
Holiday shop and book fair coming up in December.
o 5th Grade Ellis Island Simulation
Students will be simulating Ellis Island immigration process.
o School Counselor Goals
The School Improvement Counsel serves as an advisory board for the School Counseling department.
· The counseling department works in three areas: Attendance, Achievement, and Discipline
· Ms. Roland chose a discipline behavior as a goal this year, particularly bus behavior. Thirty percent of major referrals last year occurred on the bus. Thirty-seven current students had 48 referrals (.03% of population of students; about half of total major referrals). The goal is from 48 referrals to 38 referrals. In the beginning of the year there was a bus procedure talk for all students. Ms. Roland is currently working on a video for all students as well.
· Ms. Smith is working on an attendance goal. Truancy is 3 consecutive unexcused absences, or 5 non-consecutive unexcused absences. Ms. Smith is focusing on 11 students with truancies who made up 79 of the absences. Her goal is to reduce that to 69 absences. One component of this is helping parents understand what an excused or acceptable absence is. There will be ongoing attendance challenges to encourage the kids to want to be in school. Ms. Smith will also be sending out attendance improvement certificates. Facts are being sent out in the weekly parent newsletter as well. She is also open to suggestions to improve attendance.
o One parent recommended snapshots of the DHEC absence information the school nurse shares; infographics are preferred versus links.
o Mrs. Harris recommended parents speak to family members about planning vacations and trips in May (last 20 days of school year), particularly for 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade because of testing. Make up testing can lead to test anxiety and other concerns due to having to test outside of a familiar environment/setting. This can negatively affect their performance.
o Ms. Ward added that when she met with teachers about data and goals, a great concern was attendance.
· Beech Hill will have an angel tree this year, and information will be going out soon on how you can sponsor a family.
5. PTA
· Gaga Pit
Will be discussed during PTA meeting.
6. Actionable Goals for the Year:
o Community Fairs
· Identified individuals to share Produce Giveaway and specific events for the community
The goal is to continue planning these community events and getting the community involved in the school.
7. Final Comments and Questions
Please feel free to join. Next SIC Meeting: Tuesday, December 10th at 5:00 pm. This coincides with the evening the book fair will be open to parents.
December 10, 2024
SIC Meeting Notes
Date: Tuesday, December 10
Time: 5:00 pm
Last Month's Highlights
Veteran’s Day: This was discussed at the previous meeting.
Balloons Over Broadway: Students participated in a STEAM activity where they paraded their creations through the school.
Turkey in my Pocket: Teachers asked each other throughout the day if they had a turkey in their pocket. Those who did received a prize.
Thanksgiving Lunch: Ms. Harris noted that the district came and served Thanksgiving lunch.
Follow up on September Agenda Items
SIC Shirts: Shirts have been ordered and are expected to be delivered in January.
Announcements and Upcoming Events
SIC Meeting in February: The February meeting has been moved to Thursday, February 13th, to coincide with the Lighthouse Night wellness event. This includes a glow run, t-shirts for registrants, age-based prizes, reflective medals, and participation by business partners.
Shake and Shine Interviews: One-on-one interviews for fifth graders will take place on Friday with community members and business owners.
Robotics Competition: The competition is happening on Saturday, and students have been practicing.
Book Fair: The Bedford Falls book fair is ongoing and open during the community fair this evening.
5th Grade Ellis Island Simulation: Students are preparing for an immersive immigration experience.
Staff Holiday Party: The PTA is hosting a holiday party next Wednesday with hors d’oeuvres and a DJ.
Polar Express Parade: This parade for kindergarten will take place on Friday before the holiday break.
Math Intervention: Starting January 6th, the PTA is supporting a math interventionist to provide one-on-one or classroom support.
Actionable Goals for the Year
Community Fairs: Individuals have been identified to share Produce Giveaway information and other events to garner more community and family support.
Final Comments and Questions
Ms. Hoffman responded to a parent query about in-person vs. virtual days, noting that the district makes these decisions.
Ms. Hunter asked about the Kindness Crew program, which is expected to roll out next semester.
Monthly lighthouse meetings allow students to participate in group activities.
A parent business owner offered to host an event for teachers, and Ms. Golden will follow up.
A parent inquired about providing event feedback, particularly for fundraising opportunities. Ms. Harris explained school guidelines, and Ms. Golden will follow up.
Mr. Pressley suggested recognizing donors through plaques or stones to encourage community support. Ms. Golden and Ms. Harris are working on related initiatives.
Ms. Harris mentioned a reading program partnership idea with grandparents during the Grand-Beacon breakfast.
Christian Duboise, a parent and barber, offered free haircuts for children in need, which could also support Shake and Shine students.
Next SIC Meeting: Tuesday, January 21st at 7:30 am